LONDON PRIDE / Saxifraga x urbinum

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A hybrid, S spathularis x S umbrosa, introduced in the 18th century by Mr London, the royal gardener of the time. So, to make any sense, it ought to be London’s Pride. But nobody ever worried about it, and almost from the moment it was introduced it has been a favourite garden plant, especially in cottage gardens. One of the many Devonshire names given to it is Bird’s Eye (Friend. 1882), descriptive, of course, as is more obviously the case when the name is given to the speedwells. There was a belief that if you gather Bird’s Eye, the birds will come and peck your eyes out, or it will be your mother who suffers the fate. That was certainly the case with the speedwells, but it does not necessarily follow that London Pride protects itself in the same way


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