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PARSLEY root tea is still prescribed for kidney trouble (Rohde, Hyatt). Gypsies used the leaves for the same purpose. Gerard wrote that the leaves “… take away stoppings, and … provoke urine; which thing the roots likewise do notably perform …”. The herb is, indeed, a well known diuretic. WHORTLEBERRIES are used sometimes; both the berries and the leaves are used in an Irish cure for kidney troubles (Ô Súilleabháin). In the north of Scotland, they were used for dissolving kidney stones (Beith), as the name Kidneywort, or Kidneyweed, proclaim. WALL PENNYWORT was used particularly against kidney trouble and stone. Indiana folk medicine advised a tea made from the roots of HONEY LOCUST (Gleditsia triacanthos) for kidney trouble (Brewster).


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